
Spiny Leafcutter Ants Developed Metal Armor to ...
In the forests of Central and South America, Giant and Spiny Leafcutter ants are locked in an evolutionary arms race. Giants have razor-sharp zinc-coated mandibles, while Spinies have developed unique...
Spiny Leafcutter Ants Developed Metal Armor to ...
In the forests of Central and South America, Giant and Spiny Leafcutter ants are locked in an evolutionary arms race....

Revolution in the Acorns: The Surprising Slave ...
Enslaved Acorn ants are fighting back against their slavemaker captors by sabotaging their colonies. Acorn Ants, forced to care for the Slavemaker ant brood, now recognize and kill their captors’...
Revolution in the Acorns: The Surprising Slave ...
Enslaved Acorn ants are fighting back against their slavemaker captors by sabotaging their colonies. Acorn Ants, forced to care for...

Ant Democracies: Here's how they beat the 2-par...
In a study on Camponotus sanctus ants, researchers found a rare example of majority concession in decision-making. When choosing new nests after their home was destroyed, the majority abandoned a...
Ant Democracies: Here's how they beat the 2-par...
In a study on Camponotus sanctus ants, researchers found a rare example of majority concession in decision-making. When choosing new...

Why Ants Have Better Healthcare Than You
Ants like thatch and black garden ants use advanced healthcare strategies, including chemical disinfection, limb amputation, social distancing, and "social immunization" to fight disease. Their methods, from antimicrobial nests to...
Why Ants Have Better Healthcare Than You
Ants like thatch and black garden ants use advanced healthcare strategies, including chemical disinfection, limb amputation, social distancing, and "social...

A Society on Your Shelf: A History of Ant Keeping
Ant keeping has evolved from ancient curiosity to a popular hobby with a significant cultural impact. From Uncle Milton’s iconic ant farms to modern formicaria, advancements in technology, welfare, and...
A Society on Your Shelf: A History of Ant Keeping
Ant keeping has evolved from ancient curiosity to a popular hobby with a significant cultural impact. From Uncle Milton’s iconic...
Ant Keeping Is For Everyone
If you're interested in supporting us, check us out our ant farm kits at Canada Ant Colony (Canada) or Stateside Ants (United States)